About Aritozna Woodturners Association

AWA What happens at meetings?

  • Live demonstrations & Zoom (demos recorded for members to view)
  • Instant Gallery (come view fellow woodworkers’ woodturning display)
    • Members bring a woodturning vessel in to display for fun
    • Pictures are taken and put on the website photo gallery
  • 50/50 raffle (half the money goes to ticket winners – other half goes in the Shorty Fund)
    • Shorty fund money goes into woodturning education in the high schools
  • Wood Raffle – lots of wood blanks raffled off monthly!
    • After the $$ 50/50 raffle – donated wood is raffled off
  • President’s Challenge Gallery –
    • most meetings have a “challenge”- listed in the meeting or newsletter
    • members bring in pieces for others to view for the challenge
    • All who participate in the President’s Challenge are entered into a year-end drawing for a prize.
  • Visitors and guests are welcome to attend one meeting free (except Feb & Nov)
  • Learn about other opportunities in the area
  • Short member meeting – inform members of activities and happenings.



Meeting Location

Our Club meetings are held at the  FLC, 5757 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012

At this time our meetings are both in-person and VIRTUAL.

Parking can be a challenge at this location, parking on the south side will help but with all the sporting events and farmers market it can be a challenge.

Most meetings start at 12:00 pm and end by 3:30pm unless otherwise posted. Club meetings are on the 3rd Saturday of the month – exceptions noted.

Unless noted on meeting calendar. Meetings are open to the public – visitors are welcome to attend one meeting free before joining.  More info about joining here.

Meetings typically start with the Club’s business, followed by the featured demonstration, and then with raffle and prize drawings. Board meetings are open to all club members and are held every other month.


February and November are all day paid Professional Woodturners – paid event with lunch included.

Meetings are usually held the 3rd Saturday each month.  Exceptions:  November 9, December 2024