Membership INFO
Memberships – one year – 12 months
Membership in the Arizona Woodturners Association is open to anyone desiring to attend our monthly demonstrations or watch on Zoom, enjoy club activities and to participate, learn, and share ideas about woodturning with other members. Members are encouraged to also become members of the American Association of Woodturners and enjoy their benefits as well.
Online Membership Registration
- New or renewing members may complete their membership registration online.
- Once you submit your payment, your membership gives you access to the whole website.
- We use PayPal as our only online payment method. (You do not need a PayPal account to use PayPal’s free (to you) credit-card service.)
Membership Forms for In-Person or Mail-In Registrations
- AWA Membership form 2024 Rev
- Fill out and bring to the next meeting.
- Mail completed form to: Arizona Woodturners Association, P.O. Box 12094 Tempe, AZ 85284
- Make checks payable to: Arizona Woodturners Association
Member benefits include, but are not limited to:
- Monthly meetings with live demonstrations, instant gallery, wood raffle, and president’s challenge gallery. Visitors and guests are welcome to attend one meeting for free, but should join the club if they return for another.
- The majority of the club dues cover the costs of our demonstrations, equipment costs, prize money, and other club costs. The remainder funds club expenses and our annual holiday party and are used to educate the public about the art and craft of woodturning.
- Twice a year a special demo will cost extra, members are given discounted entry to these special demonstrations.
- Free use of the club’s lending library of woodturning books, videos and magazines. (library is going through a change in these electronic times)
- Video meetings are video taped, so you can always catch up on what you missed if you can’t make a meeting. Some professional demos are available for a limited time.
- Monthly newsletters and website with club information. Members get the most up to date club info from our web site, additionally we also email a monthly newsletter to those members that provide an email address. The web site also has many great features, including online pictures of woodturnings from the instant gallery and several woodturning related videos.
- Non-commercial buying and selling of your personal equipment through the AWA Google Group email list. With a single email address you can reach every member who subscribes to this optional email benefit. The AWA Google Group will also be used by Club Officers to keep you better informed of upcoming events related to woodturning and woodworking.
- Network with other wood turners. You’ll learn more from regularly brushing elbows with other turners than by any other means! There are hundreds of years of woodturning experience that you can take advantage of by talking with our members. A mentorship program is offered.
- Members of the Arizona Woodturners Association and the American Association of Woodturners are covered under the AAW Liability Insurance for club related activities.
- Supplier Discount Program (more information in member’s only section – opt out by email)
- Discounts at local woodworking stores (show your membership card for discount – subject to change with store policies).